Monday, February 16, 2009

Community-Building Meeting

Mike.lifeguard and I were talking about a few ideas we each had about community building and Wikibooks-specific outreach opportunities. Our little discussion turned into a complete online community-wide meeting for Wikibookians and other well-wishers. A planning page for this meeting and any other such events (I hope to have several this year) is located on Meta. The meeting will be at:

Friday 20 February

#wikibooks on

We know that this time and location is not going to be suitable for everybody. Of course, with worldwide membership we can't expect that any one time is going to be universally suitable for this meeting. I fully intend that other meetings we have in the future will be at all sorts of different times so other people can more easily attend.

On the agenda for this meeting (so far) is:
  1. Book donations, including the efficacy and benefit of donations, and like-minded organizations who might be willing to make some donations to us.
  2. Attracting more volunteers
  3. Discussing FlaggedRevs, and it's current implementation on en.wikibooks
I expect the meeting will last for about an hour.

I'll post more information here on this blog as I get it. I hope lots of people can attend!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry about that, but I think I won't be able to attend the meeting. I hope that next dates will be right for me.
